Dr. Josh Luke Ph.D. | Health – Wealth 9 Steps to Financial Recovery
- Misaligned Incentives
- Engaged Healthcare Consumer
- Price Transparency
- Center of Excellence
- Local Healthcare Tourism
- Integrative Medicine
- Cost Savings
In this episode, Michael introduces you to Dr. Josh Luke, a veteran hospital CEO and award-winning healthcare futurist, public speaker, and author. Join us as we discuss Dr. Luke’s newest book, Health – Wealth 9 Steps to Financial Recovery where he outlines specific steps employers can take to proactively control their healthcare costs.
Here’s a glance at what we discuss in this episode:
- Dr. Luke’s unique professional experience and what lead him to a career in healthcare
- Why Dr. Luke was motivated to author Health – Wealth 9 Steps to Financial Recovery
- Why the healthcare delivery system is broken and as a result costs continue to rise
- A high-level overview of the content in Health – Wealth 9 Steps to Financial Recovery
- Dr. Luke provides examples of how capitalism plays a key role in the bankrupting of our healthcare delivery system
- How the 1986 Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), has impacted utilization in hospitals
- Examples of how the healthcare delivery system is designed to provide care that may not be necessary or beneficial to the patient
- How the saying “don’t worry your insurance will pay for it” has lead to employee lack of ownership of healthcare decisions and spending
- The disconnect between consumers and understanding how healthcare is purchased and why employers and employees need to become engaged healthcare consumers
- Dr. Luke’s 9 Steps to Financial Recovery for an employer
- Why American businesses are complacent with the status quo
- How innovative strategies such as Centers of Excellence align incentives to drive employees to a higher quality of care while lowering healthcare costs
- Examples of corporate health-wealth approaches ranging from rewarding long-term employees with full genome testing to promoting integrative medicine
- Additional resources on Linkedin at Health – Wealth: Employer Forum on Reducing Healthcare Spending, or visit: https://www.health-wealth.com/, or Text JOSH to 72000 to receive updates via text