Nancy Reardon | Maestro Health
- Onboarding Platform
- Comprehensive Digital Platform
- Benefits Administration
- Care Navigation
- Innovative Marketing
- Self-funded Plans
- Medical Loss Ratio
- Third Party Administrator
- Reference Based Pricing
In this episode, Michael introduces you to Nancy Reardon, Chief Product and Strategy Officer of Maestro Health. Join us as we discuss Maestro Health’s comprehensive platform to make employee health and benefits people friendly and cost effective.
Here’s a glance at what we discuss in this episode:
- Nancy’s extensive leadership experience in health insurance and what led her to join Maestro Health
- How a lack of transparency and misaligned incentives in healthcare has led to skyrocketing employer costs and HR administrative burdens, year after year
- Why the medical loss ratio (MLR) has created misaligned incentives and why insurance companies are not motivated to reduce costs
- How Maestro Health provides a single comprehensive platform designed to simplify health benefits and includes TPA services, benefits administration and consumer account services (Health Savings Accounts, etc.)
- Maestro Health provides a consultative approach with employers to help them understand the multiple approaches available for provider reimbursement
- Maestro Health’s approach to “people friendly reference based pricing” compared to traditional reference based pricing strategy
- How Maestro Health integrates technology and care navigation to lower costs and increase quality outcomes
- Pharmacy Administration options with Maestro Health and their approaches to addressing specialty drug spend
- Maestro’s data driven approach to care management and how they use motivational interviewing as a holistic approach to encourage members to utilize their clinical management programs
- Maestro Health’s unique resources and strategies to simplify the healthcare experience for consumers
- Maestro Health’s unique marketing approach to engage and educate consumers
- Maestro Health’s pricing model and who they are a good fit for
- Why we need to educate and equip employees with tools before they become a consumer of healthcare
- Maestro Health’s website and contact information