Glen Tullman l Livongo
- Chronic Conditions
- Consumerism
- Clinical and Financial Outcomes
- Data Science
- Behavior Enablement
- Smart Coaching
- Medication Affordability and Optimization
In this episode, Michael introduces you to Glen Tullman, Executive Chairman of Livongo. Join us as we discuss how Livongo empowers people with chronic conditions to live better and healthier lives.
Here’s a glance at what we discuss in this episode:
- Glen’s healthcare entrepreneurial experience and what inspired him to launch Livongo
- Why our healthcare delivery system is broken and how our system makes it harder for people to live and function with chronic disease and illness
- How the lack of consumer incentives and price and quality information drives inefficient consumer behavior
- How Livongo empowers people with chronic conditions to live better and healthier lives
- How Livongo aggregates data, personalizes it and equips the consumer with the best applicable solutions
- Livongo focuses on the following chronic conditions – diabetes, hypertension, weight management and behavioral health
- Livongo uses cellular connected devices to collect the consumer’s information and monitor health patterns
- How Livongo uses personalized data and insights into how to stay healthy to motivate consumers to make behavioral changes to better manage their chronic conditions
- What makes Livongo unique as an Applied Health Signals company and how the leverage end user feedback and iteration to drive better results
- By implementing Livongo, employers save on average $83 per month per diabetic
- Why the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is impactful and how Livongo leverages it’s NPS scores to make changes and improvements in its service model
- Why employers should be taking a proactive approach in leveraging innovative partners to provide quality services at lower costs
- Livongo’s website and contact information